NotamView 1.0

Free NotamView is a tool that displays a UK NOTAM in a graphical format
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NotamView is a tool that displays a UK NOTAM in a graphical format on a map. It is primarily aimed at glider pilots with the ability to place a task planned around BGA turnpoints on the same map and look for potential conflicts.
By displaying all the turnpoints on the map, you can easily adjust the task to avoid infringing some temporary airspace. NotamView tries, whenever possible, to draw the true shape of the area covered by a Notam.

Main features:
-Preset NOTAMS are for London FIR and Scottish FIR. The URLs for the two preset sources can be changed.
-By default, NotamView will decode and display all displayable entries - typically NAVW, OTH and RAC. If desired, the non-NAVW entries can be turned off.
-The Q-Line can be decoded to provide a Circle of Influence. This is useful for NOTAMS which have no decodable location information.
-NOTAM entries can be filtered based on date. Single click selection of Today and Tomorrow (08:00 to 20:00) is available. Alternatively, any date, start and duration of validity may be selected.
-Notam entries are printed on a map of the UK. Entries are shown in red. To select an entry, click the mouse near a circle or area shape. The closest shape will be selected and it and any other shapes associated with that entry will turn green. The full entry description appears in the display box on the left. Co-incedent shapes will both be highlighted and both entries will be listed
-The program will correctly render most notams according to their described shape. This includes circles, arbitrary areas bounded by straight lines and Danger Areas. The latter will be rendered as Notams, even if they are not selected for display as airspace.
-Selecting an entry in the tree view will cause the entry text to be displayed in the detail box and the shapes on the map to turn green.
-By default the map is centred on the home site / start point specified in the options.
-The coverage of the map can be increased or decreased using the zoom buttons on the tool bar. A ruler on the map indicates the approximate scale.
-The visible map can be printed with or without labels for notam entries. The text of each drawn notam will also be printed, as will any undrawn NAVW entries. Other items can be printed as desired
-The processed NAVW entries can be saved to a file for use in a flight planning program like Strepla which accepts airspace in Tim Newport-Peace format.
-The text of the raw notam data can be searched.



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